Collective Agreement Air Transat: What You Need to Know

Air Transat is a Canadian airline that has been operating for over 30 years. Like any other company, it has employees who are represented by a union. The union and the company have a collective agreement, which is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the employees. Here is what you need to know about the collective agreement between Air Transat and its employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

Who is covered by the collective agreement?

The collective agreement covers employees who are members of the CUPE bargaining unit. This includes flight attendants, customer service agents, and office staff.

What are the main provisions of the collective agreement?

The collective agreement covers a wide range of issues, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and job security. Here are some of the main provisions:

– Wages: The collective agreement sets out a wage scale for each job classification, which is based on years of service. The wage scale is adjusted annually based on the cost of living.

– Benefits: The collective agreement provides for a comprehensive benefits package, which includes health and dental insurance, life insurance, and a pension plan.

– Working conditions: The collective agreement outlines the working conditions for employees, including hours of work, overtime, and scheduling.

– Job security: The collective agreement provides job security for employees by setting out the procedures for layoffs and recalls.

How is the collective agreement enforced?

The collective agreement is enforced through a grievance procedure. If an employee believes that the company has violated the collective agreement, he or she can file a grievance. The grievance is first heard by a company representative and the union representative. If they cannot resolve the issue, it is referred to an arbitrator, who makes a binding decision.

What is the current status of the collective agreement?

The current collective agreement between Air Transat and CUPE was signed in 2018 and expires in 2022. Negotiations for a new agreement will begin in 2021.


The collective agreement between Air Transat and its employees represented by CUPE is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for these workers. It provides for fair wages, comprehensive benefits, and job security. If you are an employee of Air Transat, it is important to understand the provisions of the collective agreement and to know your rights under it.