The learning agreement is an essential document for any student who wants to study abroad. It acts as a contract that outlines the courses a student intends to take and the credits they will earn. Lund University recognizes the importance of this document and has provided students with all the necessary information to create one.

The first step in creating a learning agreement is to select the courses you wish to take. All courses at Lund University are listed in their online course catalogue. It is essential to read each course description carefully, noting the course prerequisites, study level, and credit values. This will help you select courses that meet your academic goals and level of study.

Once you have selected your courses, you can begin filling out your learning agreement. The document is available on the Lund University website and can be downloaded in PDF format. It is essential to fill out the document accurately and completely to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

The learning agreement has three sections that must be completed. The first section is the student`s personal information, including their name, student ID number, and contact information. The second section is the list of courses the student plans to take, including the course code, name, level, and credit value. The third section is the signatures of the student, home university coordinator, and Lund University coordinator.

It is crucial to note that all courses listed on the learning agreement must be approved by both the home university coordinator and Lund University coordinator. Failure to obtain approval may cause the student not to receive credit for the course.

In conclusion, the learning agreement is a crucial document when studying abroad at Lund University. It outlines the courses a student intends to take and the credit values they will earn. Students must take the time to select their courses carefully and fill out the document accurately and completely to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. By doing so, they will have a smooth and successful study abroad experience.